Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of ConductAS A STUDENT, I WILL...

  • Recognize that I am a part of the Wiz Kid Learning community. I will respect the online learning environment, my peers, instructors, and all other individuals involved in the program.

  • Treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect, just as I would like to be treated.

  • Cooperate with my instructors and follow their instructions, as well as the rules and regulations set forth by Wiz Kid Learning.

  • Practice proper sun safety measures when applicable, such as wearing sunscreen and staying hydrated.

  • Maintain cleanliness in my virtual learning space and dispose of any trash appropriately.

  • Stay engaged with my instructors and counselors, unless I have been granted special permission not to do so.

  • Communicate with someone if I feel unsafe or have any concerns.

  • Honesty & Integrity: I will work independently on my assignments to the best of my ability and bring any issues to the attention of my instructor. I will not cheat and will uphold a standard of honesty.

  • Have lots of fun and make the most of my learning experience.

Student Code of ConductAS A STUDENT, I WILL...

  • Engage in bullying or put down other students or instructors.

  • Leave the virtual learning platform during scheduled class hours without permission.

  • Deliberately hurt anybody's feelings or engage in pranks that could offend or cause harm.

  • Use foul or abusive language or explicit language.